Thursday, June 17, 2010

Its been Ages!!!

Sorry for the fact that it has been AGES since my last post. I am very busy these days, in part because I have been planning my departure! I am packing and getting ready to up and leave to another country. I'll be living in Panama for awhile but coming to the states every 2 or 3 months. I have been distracted so I have been unable to update like I used to.

I am so excited to leave and see where this journey takes me but at the same time I am a bit nervous and apprehensive which can be expected. I am still trying to figure out what I am going to do for a cell phone while I am there. How do international cell phones work? Anyone know? Hmmm...

I want the new iPhone!! Sooo Bad!! And I am loving the white but unfortunately it is unavailable for Pre-order at the moment.

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