Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mundane Sunday

So I was supposed to go shopping for clothes today as well as meet my Dad in the city but that won't be happening. He unfortunately has plans to head from the city to a friends BBQ and I unfortunately locked my purse and keys to his house inside! So now I am going to have to wait for him to get out of work before I can come up with a solution. Ughhh what a day this is going to be!

Anyways, the stuff for my shop is coming along well. I will be buying new materials this week for new innovative glasses. Here are some of the things I am working on this week:


  1. cute glasses! You should climb through the window silly!

  2. Thank you! I did but for once the windows are actually locked! Go figure!

  3. i want some glasses & want to see the pics of them on the celeb teeeeens!!! :)

  4. wow cute! Kaitlynn sent me your esty it's awesome! I'm starting a blog about fashion !
