Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sorry For The Delay!

So I was tagged by the lovely Kaelah Beauregarde of Little Chief Honeybee to answer a few questions! Here are her 8 Questions:

1. If you could have a tea party and invite any 4 people, who would you invite and why? 
Okay the first would have to be Sandra Bullock. I think she seems humble and like a genuine person. I am a fan of her work, even prior to the Blindside. 
The second person would have to be Katy Perry because I think she would be fun to shop with. Her style is really fun and I like her vintage inspired pieces.
The third person I'd invite is Anthony Bourdain because I'd like to talk about food and great places to eat. And I figure it would be appropriate discussion over tea and crumpets, right? lol
Fourth person would have to be Justin Nozuka, because I love his music and I have a little crush on him =).

2. What is one city you'd love to explore? I'd have to say I'd love to explore Tokyo. I have always wanted to go to Japan and I think it would have a lot of new and exciting things to explore culturally. 

3. Describe your perfect day!: A perfect day for me is usually a day that includes a coffee from Starbucks and walking through NYC. Whether its dining on great food, window shopping or just people watching. I feel most alive in that city. Its weird but I love it.

4. What are some of your guilty pleasures? (Music, food, movies, etc)
Food= Sushi, Imported italian salamis and cheeses, capers, Asian noodle soups. (random I know)
Music= I love all types of music. Not much country though. But I love Dashboard confessional :x lol Bjork, and is it ridiculous that I have the Twilight soundtrack in my car? lol Ahh Well
Movies= I love indie films. I love the sundance channel. One of my fave movies is Girlfight with Michelle Rodriguez. I believe it was one of her first movies. 

 5. What is your astrological sign and do you think you fit the description? I am a Pisces. And the description usually states that I am a procrastinator, a dreamer, as well as creative. I think all apply. I am always drawing, sketching, painting, cooking, crafting and writing. I am the biggest dreamer! I think that one day I will have accomplished at least half of the hundreds of things I wish to do, as long as the procrastinating doesn't get in the way too much! 

6. When do you feel your prettiest? When I have a bit of a tan, and my hair is down and its curled a bit. I like the beachy waves that my hair sometime gets. That is if it feels like being cooperative! And with a cute summer dress of course!

7. Do you keep a written journal or diary? Not soo much. Its more of a moleskine planner that I jot down ideas that wake me in the middle of the night! =)

8. What is your main life goal? To open up a restaurant with my father. I'd love to have a family business that I could leave to my children.

THE END!    

Wait Not The End Yet!...

My 8 Questions are :
1.) If you could live in any person's shoes for a day, who would it be?
2.) If you could live anywhere in the world, no financial limits, where would it be?
3.) If you could donate a million dollars to any charity, which one would you choose?
4.) What is your favorite comfort food?
5.) What is your earliest childhood memory?
6.) If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
7.) If you could start life over, would you?
8.) If you could be famous for one thing, what would you want to be famous for?

I tag:
Forever Curiouser
Windshield Diaries
And anyone else who wants to answer them, Just leave a link to your answers!


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