Friday, July 23, 2010

Apologies to Vegetarians and Vegans!

Today was a good day! Where shall I begin?

Today was a day spent with Dad in the city. Went to the Bowery, Chinatown, Little Italy, and Soho. We walked and walked and walked! I love to walk around the city. I love to walk in general!

We met in SoHo on Broadway and Dad kept me company as I shopped. It sounds as if I am 12 years old but no folks...I am 24 years old and I hang out with my father by choice! lol We went to Pinkberry for some yummy frozen yogurt because the city humidity was really getting to us. Then later we went to the infamous Katz Deli.

This is where apologies are in order. I am a carnivore! Well Omnivore! We went to the deli and got delicious overpriced pastrami sandwiches.
Yummy pastrami sandwiches with a plate of pickles!
($30 though! oh well...)
This is their own Iced Tea which I thought was far too sweet!!
Those are the tickets you are handed as you walk in the door,
You get them marked when you order and you pay @the door when you leave.
 For those of you not familiar with the 122 year old deli, it was the place used in the film  
When Harry Met Sally.
Love this sign that I just happened to be sitting under.

After we ate we walked back to Broadway and Prince to visit a friend of mine, Duchess. She is this great bag designer who vends in the city on the weekends. She makes one of a kind bags that are unique, edgy and creative. You must check her out if you are in the area. Here is one of the many bags I have by her.


  1. i also am 24 years old and i hang out with my father by choice :)I love my wee daddy daughter dates. Its great to spend quality time together. I Love that bag too!!

  2. I am glad I am not alone in that! Most of my friends are confused when I choose to have days out with my Dad lol.
