Friday, July 16, 2010

It was a good day...

Today was a pretty good day! The beginning portion of the day consisted of BORING errands! Boo to that! But the remainder of the day was pretty good. I woke up made my dad a quick little birthday breakfast before he headed to work! (@5am) Then took a nap, and finally got up and ready for my day.

I headed to Soho to try and find my dad a gift but finally ended up getting him a video game. Yes my father still plays video games at the age of 45! But I think I may go to Banana Republic tomorrow and see if I can find him something there too.

I met up with the lovely Tiffany Tse (fashion blogger) of Style Sophisticate after talking only through emails for sometime. (It almost sounds like we met on or something! but no..) She came across my Etsy store, and lucky for me she liked my glasses! I sent her some and she used them for a shoot! So when she said she wanted to meet up while she was visiting in NYC I said "Of Course!"

We met up at Topshop in Soho on Broadway. (Great Store btw) She is an absolute doll! She is too sweet! She was just deciding on a few items and may I add it was a very hard decision!! She had this amazing black silk asymetrical cardigan type thing. (pictured below)
This piece was the one she had the most difficulty deciding on. It was between this and this adorable cream colored one-sleeved dress that reminded me of a vintage frock that had a little square of delicate lace. Unfortunately, I cannot find it on the Topshop website to show you! Take my word for it, it was adorable. She decided on the black cardi anyways! Even after I made a klutz move by pulling away my purse, which snagged my shopping bag, that then snagged her hanger/cardi that unfortunately knocked over her coffee from Dean and Deluca! Needless to say there was some spillage =( Sorry Tiffany!! But all worked out in the end and she bought the black cardi and this awesome laser cut tee with an unusual/unique hem below.
I think it would look awesome with a pair of acid wash jeans. I am particular about the acid wash look, some pants are executed well and some look atrocious. But a cute pair would look amazing with this shirt.

Square Laser Cut Tee
22 GBP -
More t shirts »

I saw a girl wearing those boots today on Crosby! Loved them and found them on Polyvore! (from Asos)


  1. sounds like a great meet up :) x

  2. It was! It ended up being a very good day!

  3. I love that set up you did! Thanks for the idea!! You are so inspirational!
