Saturday, January 7, 2012

Logo Love

So I have been working on getting my new company off the ground. I have been fortunate enough to have been given a foundation to build my new business on. My dad is an owner of food trucks in Manhattan and I am now starting my own. I couldn't be more excited. However it has been a tedious journey and it isn't even over yet. There is still so much to be done because funding exceeded my initial estimates.

I am going to be running a dessert food truck that is a bit different than the ordinary cupcake truck on the market. I wanted to offer cupcakes but I didn't want to limit myself solely to them. I also want to steer away from the conventional cupcake flavors because I am not a conventional girl and this is not a conventional dessert truck. Its easier to come up with a "cute and frilly" concept. It is far too common and predictable. Neither of which I wanted my company to be. I want to offer desserts with flavor profiles influenced from all different cuisines. I also want to help support locally grown produce.

My vision for this truck is "edgy". I want a truck that stands out because it is unlike others. I want it to be influenced visually by all things that I appreciate. Be it music, fashion, art, or anything else inspiring. I wanted my logo to be edgy and fun. I am extremely happy with it and figured I would share it with you.

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