Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Makeup Homework...

I recently met blogger Alicia from Funny Face beauty a little over a week ago. I had never read her blog prior to meeting her but once I became aware of her blog I was quite impressed with her charitable efforts as well as her reviews.

She currently has a makeup challenge going on in an effort to raise money for Japan. The "Dare to Wear Challenge" consists of creating a look inspired by Japanese culture. I for one am not one to wear a lot of makeup but I thought "Hey this is for a great cause and playing with makeup is fun!"

Mind you I now have found a great appreciation for makeup bloggers and their ability to create amazing looks as well as being able to capture those looks on film. Because let me tell you! I have TONS of eye makeup on and yet in these photos you can't see it!! Its insane! It disappeared on film, I swear! lol.

Well anywho the look was to be inspired by Harajuku girls or Japanese culture and style. I decided to go for the babydoll Gyaru look but let me say that it looks so much more vivid in person! But it was fun nonetheless!

I also paired it with the bow hairstyle from the video in the entries below.

 Me: Trying to secure this bow hair style. A bit difficult because my hair is soo long.
^ *Sorry for my mess in the background!*^

Its just really funny overall how the makeup was lost on camera! But oh well. Fun nonetheless and if I have time I will try to do another one that I can actually capture with my camera.

1 comment:

  1. Your hair and make up are just perfection!!! I love the bow!!! I love your blog and now following! Maybe you'll have time to visit my blog:)

